
Feature Name Definition
meanTapInter mean tapping interval
medianTapInter median tapping interval
iqrTapInter interquartile range tapping interval
minTapInter minimum tapping interval
maxTapInter maximum tapping interval
skewTapInter skewness tapping interval
kurTapInter kurtosis tapping interval
sdTapInter standard deviation tapping interval
madTapInter mean absolute deviation tapping interval
cvTapInter coefficient of variation tapping interval
rangeTapInter range tapping interval
tkeoTapInter teager-kaiser energy operator tapping interval
ar1TapInter autocorrelation (lag = 1) tapping interval
ar2TapInter autocorrelation (lag = 2) tapping interval
fatigue10TapInter difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 10% of the tapping interval series
fatigue25TapInter difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 25% of the tapping interval series
fatigue50TapInter difference in mean tapping interval between the first and last 50% of the tapping interval series
meanDriftLeft mean drift in the left button
medianDriftLeft median drift in the left button
iqrDriftLeft interquartile range of drift in the left button
minDriftLeft minimum of drift in the left button
maxDriftLeft maximum of drift in the left button
skewDriftLeft skewness of drift in the left button
kurDriftLeft kurtosis of drift in the left button
sdDriftLeft standard deviation of drift in the left button
madDriftLeft mean absolute deviation of drift in the left button
cvDriftLeft coefficient of variation of drift in the left button
rangeDriftLeft range of drift in the left button
meanDriftRight mean drift in the right button
medianDriftRight median drift in the right button
iqrDriftRight interquartile range of drift in the right button
minDriftRight minimum of drift in the right button
maxDriftRight maximum of drift in the right button
skewDriftRight skewness of drift in the right button
kurDriftRight kurtosis of drift in the right button
sdDriftRight standard deviation of drift in the right button
madDriftRight mean absolute deviation of drift in the right button
cvDriftRight coefficient of variation of drift in the right button
rangeDriftRight range of drift in the right button
numberTap number of taps
buttonNoneFreq frequency where neither the left or right buttons were hit
corXY correlation between the X and Y coordinates of the hits

Acceleromter and Gyroscope

(Walking, Tremor, Rest etc.,)

Feature Name
(.tm =time
complexity.tm Complexity of a time series \[ \sqrt{\frac{Var(f_s^2*\frac{d^2 x}{dt^2 })}{(Var(f_s* \frac{dx}{dt})}} \] Where \(Var\) means variance
dfa.tm Scaling exponent estimated after performing detrended fluctuation analysis(DFA)
energy.tm Total energy
IQR.tm Interquartile Range (Q25 - Q75)
Kurtosis.tm \[E\left[\left(\frac{X-μ}{σ}\right)^4\right]\] Where \(X\) is the signal, \(μ\) is the mean and \(σ\) is the standard deviation; and \(E[.]\) is the expectation
mean.tm Mean \[E[X]\] Where \(X\) is the signal and \(E[.]\) is the expectation
median.tm Median
Middle value of the measurements, i.e the 50th Quartile
mn.tm Minimum \[x_{min},x_{min}≤x,∀x\]
mobility.tm Mobility of a time series \[\sqrt{\frac{Var(f_s* \frac{dx}{dt})}{Var(x)}}\] Where \(Var\) means variance
mode.tm Mode, Most occuring measure \[x_{mode}, \#x_{mode} ≥ \#x,∀x\]
mtkeo.tm Mean of the Teager-Kaiser energy operator
mx.tm Max \[x_{max}, x_{max} ≥x,∀x\]
Q25.tm \(25th\) Quartile
Q75.tm \(75th\) Quartile
range.tm Range: Max - Min \[x_{max} - x_{min}\]
rmsmag.tm Root Mean Square Magnitude
rough.tm Roughness or Total Curvature of the time series
rugo.tm Rugosity of the time series
sd.tm Standard Deviation \[E[(X-μ)^2]\] Where \(X\) is the signal, \(μ\) is the mean and \(E[.]\) is the expectation
skewness.tm \[E\left[\left(\frac{X-μ}{σ}\right)^3\right]\] Where \(X\) is the signal, \(μ\) is the mean and \(σ\) is the standard deviation; and \(E[.]\) is the expectation
cent.fr Centroid of the frequency spectrum, i.e the weighted mean of all frequencies present in the Fourier Spectrum \[Centroid = \frac{Σf.H(f)}{ΣH(f)}\] Where \(f\) is the frequency, and \(H(f)\) is the spectral magnitude at that frequency
ewt.permEnt.fr Permutation entropy of the probability mass function(PMF) obtained from the energies of the modes obtained from Empirical Wavelet Transform(EWT)
ewt.renyiEnt.fr Renyi entropy of the PMF calculated using the modes obtained from EWT
ewt.shannonEnt.fr Shannon entropy of the PMF calculated using the modes obtained from EWT
ewt.simpsonEnt.fr Simpson entropy of the PMF calculated using the modes obtained from EWT
ewt.tsallisEnt.fr Tsallis entropy of the PMF calculated using the modes obtained from EWT
IQR.fr Interquartile range (Q75-Q25)
kurt.fr Kurtosis of the frequency probability distribution
md.fr Median frequency
mn.fr Mean frequency
mod.fr Frequency with the maximum amplitude in the frequency spectrum, i.e mode frequency
mx.fr Maximum amplitude of the frequency probability distribution
Q25.fr 25th Quartile of the frequency spectrum
Q75.fr 75th Quartile of the frequency spectrum
sd.fr Standard deviation of the frequency spectrum
sem.fr Mean standard deviation, i.e \[\frac{sd}{\sqrt{n}}\]
sfm.fr Spectral Flatness Measure of the frequency probability distribution
sh.fr Shannon Entropy of the frequency probability distribution
skew.fr Skewness of the frequency probability distribution
EnergyInBandk Energy present in k-(k+1) Hz band of the frequency spectrum